⚠ Warning ⚠ retro food — Stuffed Bell Peppers

Yes, for dinner tonight our teenagers prepared stuffed bell peppers. Instead of rice, they used bulgur as it works better and has a nicer texture. No meat involved in making of these either, so these suitable for vegetarians. If you want vegan, leave the mozzarella out.  


  • 200 g bulgur cooked in chicken stock. 
  • 200 g fried mushrooms 
  • one fried courgette
  • 3 chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tsp. oregano 
  • 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 
  • chili powder
  • Salt & black pepper, QB = as much as needed. 
Plus you need:
  • 4 bell peppers, halved & pre-cooked in the oven for 15 minutes in 180 degree Celsius 
  • 2-3 mozzarella cheese, which you will divide over the stuffed peppers
Bake in 170 degree Celsius oven until mozzarella is melt. 

Alternatively, you can stuff bell peppers with couscous, anchovies, capers, cherry tomatoes, EVOO, garlic and s&p. I prepared them like this in June 2014, and they were very tasty.  I suppose you could even stuff them with lentil stew or with anything, really! 

#teenagers as #kitchenslaves